Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Fun

Our Summer Fun List 2012

1. go swing
2. make homemade lemonade
3. make homemade ice cream
4. go to the farmer’s market
5. go to the zoo
6. bake a pie
7. go on a scavenger hunt
8. start a rock collection
9. go to story time at the library
10. go on a nature walk
11. lots of play dates
12. make homemade play dough
13. play with shaving cream
14. fly a kite
15. go on a picnic
16. visit a garden
17. play with ice
18. trace shadows
19. make s’mores
20. make jam
21. make fresh salsa
22. go to the beach
23. go to a baseball game
24. make bracelets
25. participate in our library’s reading program
26. make rain sticks
27. built a fort
28. make finger paints
29. make recycled crayons
30. make a life size robot
31. make a homemade alphabet book
32. go geocaching
33. create a fairy garden
34. go to a new park
35. catch some bugs
36. watch butterflies hatch
37. make cloud dough
38. sidewalk paint
39. science lab
40. make rock candy
make a scrapbook of summer fun!!!!!

I saw lots of summer bucket list on pinterest, so I jumped right on broad.  I took lots of ideals from peoples lists and also talked to the kids about what they would like to do this summer.  Swing was at the top of  they list!  On the top of my list is to visit all the parks in our town.  I pretty sure that we can do all the things on are list this summer!